Friday, August 25, 2017

My Corner of the World - Canada exhibit opens in FRANCE on September 14-17 as a part of the 23rd European Patchwork Shows Schedule and will travel for a year in France!

The Exhibitions Committee of the Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) has sent our beautiful  40 piece ALL CANADIAN Artists exhibit titled "MY CORNER OF THE WORLD-CANADA"  to FRANCE and it will travel there to four venues over the next year with the huge European Patchwork Association traveling show:


« My Corner of the World - CANADA »

My Corner of the World invites the artists to investigate a real or imaginary world that represents what is important in life.

It might be where the artist lives, works, or grew up, or their works.
It might be their favorite place that they always keep in mind at any moment of their life, or an even more private and personal place.

My Corner of the World contemplates the situation as a whole, but staying open and including homeland, ancestors and culture

SAQA developed this exhibition in collaboration with the Stratford Perth Museum, Stratford, Ontario, Canada, and with the Canadian Regions of SAQA.

This exhibition began its journey at the same time as an International  exhibition in the Statford Museum of Perth in May 2016.

Hargreaves Phillida, Looks Like a Nice Day Up There, 122cm x 72cm
sponsored by
Studio Art Quilt Associates, (SAQA) is a non profit organization whose mission is to promote the art quilt through education, exhibitions, professional development, documentation, and publications.

SAQA's membership has over 3000 members worldwide. SAQA regional representatives aim to promote quilt as an art as well as its associates though exhibitions whenever they are made possible.

(This link will take you to the page at their website - click on the small translate "ball" with British flag at top left of the page, to translate to English. Then click on Exhibitions and scroll down to see the SAQA button on the lower right. Click there and it will take you to our page reproduced here for you.)

Espace des tisserands